Who Is Stephen Briggs?

Maybe you drifted here while checking other Stephen Briggses on Google? Maybe you were actually looking for me!

Well, this Stephen Briggs is the one who worked with Sir Terry Pratchett. He and I were friends for more than 20 years and we collaborated on a wide range of publishing and other projects. I'm a published author and  dramatist, a  keen amateur theatrical and award-winning voice-over artist. For more information about me - click HERE.

WITCHES ABROAD - on stage!

The Studio Theatre Club will be staging my dramatization of Terry's Witches Abroad on 13 to 16 November. This one sold out crazily quickly!

There are full details HERE.


I was delighted to be asked to voice one of the stories in Terry's A Stroke of the Pen - (The Haunted Steamroller) - and even more delighted when I found I was sharing the mic (figuratively) with such illustrious company as David Tennant, Jason Watkins and Derek Jacobi!


I’m delighted to say that my dramatization of Bram Stoker’s DRACULA is available to buy from Amazon.

I’d wanted to stage it since I first read it as a teenager, but I couldn’t find a dramatization that I liked.

Having (in the interim) written and published 25 dramatisations of the novels of Sir Terry Pratchett, it finally occurred to me – “Why don’t I write my own version?”

I tried to retain some of Stoker’s style – using the medium of diaries, letters and newspaper articles to advance the plot. And I aimed for gothic horror – avoiding the temptation to play it all for laughs. We staged the show in November 2019. The independent reviewer of the first production said:

"Translating 'Dracula' to the stage without either dispensing with key plot points or giving an impression of rushed action is an incredibly ambitious task, and yet that is exactly what Stephen Briggs has managed to achieve."

I was also very grateful to Stephen Player for permission to use his excellent artwork from our stage version for my cover. Check him out HERE.

If you’d like a copy, you can order right HERE.


During the Covid lockdown, I recorded and posted a daily snippet of Pratchett Wit & Wisdom to amuse his fans. There are over two hundred and, if you fancy a little snippet of Terry, feel free to dip in right  HERE